Thursday, December 31, 2009

12/31/2009 LT Test at PS

Well, today is the last day of 2009. 2010 promises to be non-stop work, to say the least. I'm heading into this with a good solid base, and I'm very happy with the results from my LT test I took earlier today at the Peddlers Shop.

My numbers came out to be 156bpm @ 300 watts. Last year, at the END of winter training, my LT was 156 @ 240 watts. Big improvements made. I'm very happy and proud of myself.

Now, looking forward to the beginning of training. DAY 1 is Monday, (which happens to be a rest day)...Then, I'm in...and no looking back, until July 26th.

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12/29 swim

swim, 200wu, 10x100 @20secs, 200cd

Monday, December 28, 2009


Run, 10:00 wu, 45:00 @5.5mph; 144bpm, 692cals, 5:00 cd. 4.6 miles

Sunday, December 27, 2009


BIKE (indoor), 2:00:00, 42.97 miles, 131bpm, 184watts

Saturday, December 26, 2009


The Day After. Jeez, I've been eating so much junk and crap, I could jump in the pool and would float right to the top. Had a good swim/run workout this morning though. One week til the fun *REALLY* starts, though.

swim, 200wu, (1)500, 8x100 @20 seconds, 200cd
run, 30:00, 144bpm, 496cals

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Bike (indoor), 45:00, 173 watts, 130bpm

Monday, December 21, 2009

12/21, a.m. run

run, 10:00 wu, 30:00 easy run, 5:00cd, 131bpm, 396cals

Sunday, December 20, 2009

snow shoveling

2:08:00, 108 bpm, 1465 cals. 24 inches of snow.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


bike 30:00, 11.17 miles, 203 watts
run 30:00, 2.6 miles

135 bpm, 901 cals

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


WOW. Has it really been almost 4 months already since I started with Nick? Jeez. Well, the good news is this: I'm feeling really strong in the water. I'm taking alot away from this class as far as knowledge goes, coming from people who I train with, as well as Nick. I definitely got the most out of the swim portion, and the group runs. So far, in training, nothing has pushed me more than running with others...whether thats Rich and Bry in Tri class, or with Roy in the Turkey Trot. *WHEN* I make it to the finish line at Lake Placid, I will definitely give a shout out to those who pushed me. (Yes, even Mr. Swim, who pushes me EVERY time I get in the water)

So, tonight, I decided since it was the last class, that I was going to push...HARD. We started in the water with a 300 warm up. I have this new thing that I started to do. My first lap (25m), i swim underwater. End to end. I feel it makes me breathe better or something. Its probably stupid, and can be put up there with my thoughts about "wearing tights while riding the trainer indoors, since that keeps my legs constricted" that everyone always laughs at. So, after my end to end underwater journey, I warmed up the rest of the 250. After that, Nick layed out the workout. Broken 500, then 400, then 300, then 200. The 500 would be (1) 200, (1) 100, (2)50's, and (4) 25's. On that first 200, I decided to really push, and I finished under 2:50 (which is my best 200 so far). The bad news is, the rest period is not that long before the 100 starts. I went hard on that, and kept pushing, telling myself that this was the last class...make it worth it. I kept up my intensity throughout the workout. After a 150 cooldown, I hopped out and talked to Nick for a few minutes by myself. He told me how well I'm doing, and how much stronger I've become since September. He did, however, say "imagine what you'd be like if you slimmed down...not that you're fat, but imagine losing a few pounds and keeping your muscle." I know he didn't mean anything by it, but I took that as him telling me to lose a few. I haven't focused that much on my diet in these last few months, and I promised myself I would come January when I start the rigid training program.

After we got changed, we did about a 20 minute spin on the bike. Nothing too crazy. Some people from class were trying to talk Rich and I into growing our hair until Lake Placid without cutting it. I took it a step further, saying that we shouldn't shave either. Rich vetoed both. (Not that I couldn't do it myself, but I've been lazy lately with regards to my hair, and this buzz job that my mom does every 4 weeks or so has been working out for me. PLUS, I can't grow a beard to save my ass, so I'd look stupid)

All in all, this tri class was the right thing for me. At $150, I think it was a great value. I'm looking forward to the spring session, which will take me up to mid to late May.

12/15, workout skipped...

...with good excuse. I decided that it would be a good night, without too much going on, to do the Christmas lights, and also take a look at what it would take to fix my treadmill. I've been dealing with the broken treadmill thing for a while now, and I isolated it to the running deck. I ordered the part ($139), which seemed to be just a 3 foot by 4 foot piece of wood (maybe its some "special" wood, WTFK?) Anyway, after doing the lights, I started to take apart the treadmill, using the instructions for "REPLACING THE BELT", which I figured would lead me up to the point I needed to be to take the deck off. I was right, and after the first 3 steps or so, I ditched the instructions, unbolted the deck, and slid the new one on. After making a few "modifications", everything seemed to go back into its proper place. All the parts that were removed ended up back on the treadmill, which I consider a positive. So, skipped workout, but lots to gain from treadmill works again. Yay.

Monday, December 14, 2009


swim, 150wu, (3) broken 500's- (1) 200, (1) 100, (2) 50's, (4) 25's, 100 cd...

run, 25:00, 152bpm, 424 cals.

Felt like shit tonight. Maybe I was tired from last night. I don't know. I'm writing this one off. The good news is, the part came for my treadmill, so hopefully I can get that sucka going again soon.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

12/13 indoor bike during Eagles/Giants game

Bike (trainer, while watching Eagles/Giants)...rode for entire first half. 1:45:08, 38.03 miles, 21.71avg/mph, 88rpm, 133 bpm, 169 avg watts (417 max)

Longest ride on trainer so far/nice steady 170-190 watts @ around 135-140 bpm (zone 2). Felt good. Legs a bit tired at the end...but hey...was shooting for 1:30:00 but waited til halftime.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12 tri class

Swim, 450 wu, *timed* 500 (7:42:00), (3) broken 500's - (1) 200, (1) 100, (2) 50's, (4) 25's, 200cd
total swim= 2650 yards

bike, 45:00 spin class, run 15:00. 1:00:00, 129bpm, 735 cals

Friday, December 11, 2009


bike, 50:00, 18,14 miles, 129bpm, 162 watts

12/9 tri class

Swim, 200 wu, broken 600- (2) 200's, (2)100's, (2)50's,(4)25's
broken 500- (1) 200, (2) 100's, (2) 50's
broken 400- (2) 100's, (2) 50's, (4) 25's
broken 3o0- (1)100, (2) 50's, (4) 25's

run, 20:00, 141bpm, 304 cals. *ran the wrong way on the track and had to be "reminded" by Rowan rec center employee.*

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


bike. 22.26miles, 1:00:05, 126bpm, 155 watts

Monday, December 7, 2009

12/7 tri class

Swim, 100wu, (4) broken 300's

Run 30:00, 147 bpm, 474 cals

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Easy Zone 1 spin on the bike.

30:00, 10.83 miles, 123 bpm

Saturday, December 5, 2009

tri class 12/5

tri class

swim, 400 wu, timed 400 (6:09, 4 seconds faster than last week), 600, (3) broken 300's, 200cd, 2500yards total

bike, 45 min spin

run, 20 mins treadmill @ 6mph

Thursday, December 3, 2009


bike (indoor), 22.63 miles, 132bpm, 160 watts

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Still battling a bit of a cold. Ran outside this morning, since the treadmill is still broken. I called yesterday about the part, and they're supposed to call me back within the next 48 hours with a price. Hopefully that gets fixed soon.

My legs don't really like the cold air. I've been running with tights on alot, and this morning I didn't. It wasn't the best run I've had, but I guess even though I'm not THAT sick, I can blame the leftover sickness for some of that.

Run, about 3 miles, 33:32, 137bpm, 475 cals. (with cotton in my ear.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12/1, cottonball ride

Well, the doctor determined that my main trouble was basically "swimmers ear", with some wax lodged in there clogging things up. He flushed out the wax, which led to that clog feeling going away, so now I can hear...BUT, the pain is still there, and my eardrum is inflamed. He gave me some ear drops to put in there for a few days, and recommended that I stay out of the water until it clears up. I still have a slight head cold, so today I decided to stay inside and ride the trainer easy, just to get a sweat on. Its amazing how much a little cold can effect the heart rate. When I'm working easy at, say, 150 watts, my heart rate is USUALLY around 120 or so. Today, 135. As I pushed to 175 watts to chill, my heart rate climbed to the high 140's. Amazing how you can become so "in touch" with your body when you use a heart rate monitor. You can tell when you're having a good day, and when you're not. Fun.

bike (indoor), 45:00, 16.9 miles, 126 bpm, 135 watts *easy spin, due to head cold*