Wednesday, June 2, 2010

day 144

Went to the Nav-e-Sink distance swim festival in Rumson, NJ. I competed in the 2.4 mile race, and finished in 1:08:29, which was better than my goal of 1:20. I figured I could do about what I did, I was just worried with the open water aspect, and my sighting issues, that my time would be slow. I felt fine after, and I really didn't push that hard to get that 1:08. My average HR was 126 bpm.

Happy with the race, overall.


  1. nice Job AND Look at that HR!!!!

  2. joe, i'm catching up on lots of stuff here. way to work through the training! i've been disconnected a bit since i moved to San Diego. almost back to normal and off to read more entries.
